Truck drivers are lazy, disgusting, slobs! They sit in their trucks, smoke cigarettes, and flick the butts out the window as the pile outside grows larger. When it's time to go to the bathroom, they leave their sanctuary, take two steps to their right and piss on their back tire. They don't comb their hair, their personal higene sucks, and they smell!
Well I'm here to say that its time for the MADNESS TO STOP!
It's no longer acceptable to act this way and truck stops should no longer tolerate this behavior! Assess heavy fines! Install cameras! Kick ass!
Thank god there are many who have stepped up to the plate and attempt to clean up after these pigs. Many have updated facilities that have bathrooms and showers nicer than my own! They sweep the parking lots and offer friendly service!
That said let me say something else, I've spent my entire life/career in the medical field (since I was 18 years old) and I've seen orthopedic surgeons, neurologists, nurses, and higher educated individuals put the piglet truck drivers to shame.
Let's face it, people just don't give a shit about anyone but themselves!
Im done