Sunday, August 14, 2011

Think Small

Have you ever tried to take your entire life and fit it into a space that was 96" x 102"? It's about the size of a 8 foot square box....and I'm talking about everything from the kitchen sink to the bathroom. It comes down to what you need and what you want and it's surprisingly easy. Ask anyone who enjoys hiking, when you have to carry all you need and want on your back, you really need very little and want even less.

For instance, what am I going to do without my entire bathroom shelf of hair products? I spent good money on these products, real good money (your welcome Redken).  Or what about the other shelf that's full of makeup, moisturizers, cleansers, blushes and eye shadows (you're welcome too MaryKay)?

The answer is,  a few of these things will travel with me, I mean a girl can still drive a truck and look good doing it! But most of it will stay behind, after all we do have a weight limits we have to be mindful of and I don't think the owner would be appreciative if we could only have two pallets of material on the truck when the rest of the room was taken up by my stuff!

I am sure my husband will be appreciative of this post, girl talk on an expediters blog is just not manly, but it makes you think. What do you really need in life?

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